Accounting Flashcards

Accounting Exam 3 Terms Flashcards

Here’s Why You Should Research shows this often-overlooked study method can help turn passively absorbed information into true understanding. Pill-splitting is catching on amongparsimonious prescription-takers who want to lower costs. He now seemed to have entered on ahalcyon period of life—congenial society, romantic and interesting surroundings.Kennard, Nina H. The stories of the saints he regarded as preposterous fables invented tohoodwink a gullible and illiterate populace. Thistriumvirate approach has real benefits in terms of shared wisdom, and we will continue to discuss the big decisions among the three of us. Offering a religious rationale for policy goals threatens what for many has become the cherished principle of secularrationalism in public life.

Twice the straight-line rate with Double-Declining-Balance. Are calculated to evaluate the short-term liquidity of a company. Receivables turnover ratio, and the 4. Are considered cash sales by the retailer. These cards are issued by banks. Upon receipt of credit card sales slips from a retailer, the bank immediately adds the amount to the seller’s bank balance.

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Wheaties, Monopoly, Kleenex, Coca-Cola, Big Mac, and Jeep. Legal protection for indefinite number of 20 year renewal periods. A variant of the receivables turnover ratio and makes liquidity even more evident.

Debiting Accumulated Depreciation, and crediting the asset account. Each method is acceptable because each recognizes the decline in service potential of the asset in a rational and systematic manner. Purchase price, closing costs (attorney’s fees, title insurance, etc.) and real estate broker’s commission. Remodeling and replacing or repairing the roof, floors, electrical wiring, and plumbing. Includes all costs related directly to purchase or construction. A dishonoured note is a note that is not paid in full at maturity.

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This is calculated by taking the total revenue of $1,000 and subtracting the total explicit costs of $500. Subterms that qualify the main term by listing alternative sites, etiology, or clinical status are called essential modifiers.

Accounting Exam 3 Terms Flashcards

A report by management describing its responsibilities for and the adequacy of internal controls over financial reports. An inventory system that keeps a running computerized record of merchandise inventory. The individual or business from whom a company purchases goods. The Three Elements Of The Accounting Equation There are three elements of the Accounting Equation; Assets, Liabilities and Owners Equity. The Assets of a company are things that are owned by a business; …

We have analyzed the inventory of both companies to see how… Apple Inc Case Study Net sales consists of revenue generated from selling products and revenue is recognized when customers order the product and the product is being shipped to … If you are logged in to your account, this website will remember which cards you know and don’t know so that they are in the same box the next time you log in. Neither salaries Accounting Exam 3 Terms Flashcards to partners nor interest on partners’ capital are expenses of the partnership. Product Warranties Promise made by a seller to a buyer to make good on a deficiency of quantity, quality, or performance in a product. Estimated cost of honoring product warranty contracts should be recognized as an expense in the period in which the sale occurs. Contractual arrangement between a franchisor and a franchisee.

Accounting Profit

Dividing responsibilities between two or more people to limit fraud and promote accuracy of accounting records. Measures the profitability of each sales dollar above the cost of goods sold. Gross Profit/Net Sales Revenue. An inventory system that requires businesses to obtain a physical count of inventory to determine quantities on hand. American Eagle Executive Summary My team has analyzed the financial positions of American Eagle Outfitters and The Buckle Company.

  • However, since machine 2 only costs $50,000, they would have had an additional $50,000 to invest under this scenario.
  • Applying the percentage to the accounts receivable balance at the end of the current period.
  • The total explicit costs incurred by the manufacturer are $500.
  • An inventory costing method based on the specific cost of particular units of inventory.
  • The firm expects it will sell 5,000 for a profit of $15 each.

It is one of the most common metrics used to evaluate performance over a period of time. On the other hand, Economic profit is a metric that measures both explicit and implicit costs. Qualify the main term by listing alternative sites, etiology, or clinical status.

Solved: Instructions: Complete Each Statement Subterms That

Debit – the plant asset affected. Referred to as capital expenditures.

  • If you are logged in to your account, this website will remember which cards you know and don’t know so that they are in the same box the next time you log in.
  • Economic profit is a metric most commonly used internally when evaluating investment decisions.
  • Manual containing a list of descriptive terms and identifying codes in reporting medical codes and procedures.
  • Purchase price, closing costs (attorney’s fees, title insurance, etc.) and real estate broker’s commission.
  • Health care and life insurance.

An outside accountant, completely independent of the business, who evaluates the controls to ensure that the financial statements are presented fairly in accordance with GAAP. An inventory costing method based on the weighted-average cost per unit of inventory that is calculated after each purchase. Weighted-Average cost per unit is determined by dividing the cost of goods available for sale by the number of units available. Costs incurred to increase the operating efficiency, productive capacity, or useful life of a plant asset.

My Account

Since the individual doesn’t have enough money to invest in both opportunities, the lost profit from the project not chosen is an implicit cost and reduces the economic profit. Implicit costs are also known as opportunity costs since they are essentially the costs of missing out on an opportunity. Economic profits are most commonly used in determining if an investment is worth it or not. Accounting profit is most referred to as net income. Accounting profit is seen most commonly on income statements. It is simply revenue less explicit costs.

Investors may look at this figure over time to evaluate if the company is worth investing in, holding, or selling. Accounting profit is also used to help calculate taxes. Exclusive right to manufacture, sell, or otherwise control an invention for a period of 20 years from the date of the grant. Capitalize costs of purchasing a patent and amortize over its 20-year life or its useful life, whichever is shorter. Expense any R&D costs in developing a patent.

Best 35 Which Qualify The Main Term By Listing Alternative Sites, Etiology, Or Clinical Status?

Accounting profit and economic profit are two important measures when evaluating performance. Accounting profit is calculated by taking total revenues less total explicit costs. It is reported to the IRS and used for taxes. Accounting profit is mainly used by investors and creditors.

Accounting Exam 3 Terms Flashcards

The general rule is that the collection period should not exceed the credit term period. A promissory note is a written promise to pay a specified amount of money on demand or at a definite time. The party making the promise is the maker.

Accounting Profit Vs Economic Profit

This claim does not attach to specific assets. All net income or net loss is shared equally by the partners, unless otherwise stated in the partnership agreement. Decreasing annual depreciation expense over the asset’s useful life.


The party to whom payment is made is called the payee. Sell to a factor, such as a finance company or a bank, and 2. Symbol used to show that the code has been changed or modified. Manual containing a list of descriptive terms and identifying codes in reporting medical codes and procedures.

6, 7, 21, 22 However, these were different from studies in which clonic seizures were the most common. 20, 21 In a study conducted by Soni et al, the … An approved list of physicians, hospitals, and other providers.

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