Azerbaijan Marriage Practices

Azerbaijan is a country using a unique and rich marriage tradition. It is known worldwide because of its rich and festive ceremonies. The wedding service is with a reception with traditional foodstuff.

A few days before the wedding party, a groom’s family arranges for a dowry ceremony to arrange the star of the wedding for her relationship. The dowry includes home bedding, clothes, boots and shoes, jewels and other gifts.

Through the period ahead of the wedding, the new bride was a customer of her relatives and friends in go. She was given blankets, beds, pillows, a nazbalish (a huge, soft pillow), online dating safety tips carpets, kitchenware and other presents that were added to her dowry.

In some places, a ‘khinayakhdi’ was held exactly where all the young girls and women had been dyed with henna and decorated their particular hands. It was a way of demonstrating that the person is ready to marry.

Then a band of 25-30 people gathered about the bride. One of her friends, sisters-in-law or her father put a ring on the little finger and covered her shoulders with a kerchief. They also offered her a few sweets.

After the ‘khinayakhdi’, merry-making and dancing started out. The music survived until the morning.

In some regions, the ‘khinayakhdi’ took place in the bride’s home although in other neighborhoods it was saved in the groom’s house. On the ‘khinayakhdi’, the girls and ladies sang bayati (folk quatrains) and danced. These folks were also offered trays of fruit and charaz (nuts, fried peas and dried fruits) that were placed on a shakh-tree.

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